Qualcomm's Bluetooth Smart (often known as Bluetooth Low Energy) enables devices and sensors to connect to smartphones, tablets, and each other.
By Qualcomm 940
Qualcomm's µEnergy Bluetooth Low Energy platform with Bluetooth 4.0 specification enables low-power devices and sensors to connect to the latest smartphones and tablets.
By Qualcomm 333
Qualcomm's µEnergy® Development Kits provide a means to evaluate and develop a full system solution based upon CSR1011TM and CSR8510TM chips from Qualcomm.
By Qualcomm 339
Qualcomm introduces a development kit for designers who need to get prototypes of their Bluetooth Smart products up and running fast then move quickly to production.
By Qualcomm 382
CSRmesh™ from Qualcomm creates a mesh network from our existing Bluetooth Smart and Smart Ready devices, including the CSR1010, CSR1011, CSR1012 and others.
By Qualcomm 334
Qualcomm's reference design can be used by manufacturers to help evaluate Alexa on-the-go with a mobile phone.
By Qualcomm 334
The Bluetooth® Qualcomm smart headset reference design an be used by manufacturers to help them evaluate the Google Assistant on-the-go with a mobile phone.
By Qualcomm 357