Techflex's F6-WW utilizes many of the same features as its original F6 split braided sleeving. This includes the easy wrap around design and the extra overlap.
By Techflex 177
TechFlex Flexo Brass can be a useful and beautiful part of your next project. The decorative features of brass are obvious, but many people don’t know that brass is actually an alloy of copper and
By Techflex 336
Techflex introduces their Flexo® anti-stat conductive carbon infused nylon which is designed for static protection and shielding in the most sensitive applications.
By Techflex 180
Techflex’s Flexo® noise reduction is a bi-axially braided hybrid sleeving, combining monofilament and multifilament PET yarns to create a full-coverage, expandable sleeve.
By Techflex 277
TechFlex's Flexo sliver plated copper braid (MBS) is made to conform to AA59569 and ASTM-B298.
By Techflex 255