DLP® LightCrafter™ Display 2000 Evaluation Mo

By Texas Instruments 184

DLP® LightCrafter™ Display 2000 Evaluation Mo

Texas Instruments' DLP LightCrafter Display 2000 is an easy-to-use, plug-and-play evaluation platform for a wide array of ultra-mobile and ultra-portable display applications in consumer, wearable, industrial, medical, and Internet of Things (IoT) markets. The evaluation module features the DLP2000 chipset comprised of the DLP2000 (0.2 nHD) digital micromirror device (DMD), the DLPC2607 display controller, and the DLPA1000 PMIC/LED driver. This EVM comes equipped with a production-ready optical engine and processor interface supporting 8/16/24-bit RGB parallel video interface in a small form-factor.

The DLP2000 DMD is a digitally-controlled micro-opto-electromechanical system (MOEMS) spatial light modulator (SLM). When coupled to an appropriate optical system, the DLP2000 DMD displays a crisp and high-quality image or video. The DLP2000 is part of the chipset comprising of the DLP2000 DMD and the DLPC2607 display controller. This chipset is also supported by the PMIC/LED driver. The compact physical size of the DLP2000 is well-suited for portable equipment where small form-factor and low power is important. The compact package compliments the small size of LEDs to enable highly efficient, robust light engines.

Getting Started with DLP Pico Display Technology

Applications for Pico Chipsets

Pico Chipsets - Tools and Software

  • EVM:
    • The most affordable way for developers to evaluate the high-performing DLP display technology
    • Plug-and-play DLP nHD optical engine that supports up to 30 lumens
    • I2C and 8/16/24-bit parallel RGB video interfaces to support a variety of low-cost processors
    • Compact form-factor
    • BeagleBone™ compatibility out of the box
    • Assembled with mechanicals and Young Optics optical engine
    • Not included: external 5 V, 3 A power supply
  • DLP2000:
    • Ultra-compact 0.2 inch (5.55 mm) diagonal micromirror array
      • 640 columns by 360 rows array of aluminum micrometer-sized mirrors in an orthogonal layout
      • Micromirror pitch: 7.56 microns
      • Micromirror tilt: 12° (relative to a flat surface)
      • Corner illumination for optimal efficiency and engine size
    • Dedicated DLPC2607 display controller and the DLPA1000 PMIC/LED driver for reliable operation

