BH-14250-PC Battery Holder

By MPD (Memory Protection Devices) 80

BH-14250-PC Battery Holder

Memory Protection Devices BH-14250-PC is an ultra-low profile battery holder for 14250 batteries. Since the battery is even with the bottom of the holder, it adds no height to a CR14250 cell. Dual printed circuit pins allow quick PCB mounting by wave soldering. Gang multiple units together through the PCB for serial or parallel connectivity, making circuit designing easier. The holder also accepts standard CR1/2AA batteries and Li-ion rechargeable battery cells Li-ion 14250.

It is made using premium materials like polypropylene, with high heat resistance and good stiffness. The battery holder’s homopolymer plastic body has a Vicat softening temperature of 155°C per ISO 306. The PP body is FDA approved for repeated food contact per 21 CFR 177.1520.

Dual nickel plated stainless steel contacts in the holder pass common shock and vibration tests. Stainless steel offers a good balance of mechanical characteristics. It is a widely used material and has excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and ductility, plus it resists oxidation at high temperatures. The hard plastic combined with stiff pressure contacts keeps the battery in place and offers easy battery changes.

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