A8520E24A91 PurePath™ Audio Radio Module and Evalu

By Anaren 285

A8520E24A91 PurePath™ Audio Radio Module and Evalu

Anaren's A8520E24A91 AIR radio module is a high performance, FCC, IC, and ETSI compliant radio module that incorporates the Texas Instruments CC8520 PurePath wireless audio SoC, CC2591 range extender, and integral antenna, all in the industry's smallest package.

The evaluation board (A8520E24A-EM2, pictured) has the radio module mounted to it for a quick connection to the Texas Instruments CC8520DK development kit.

Radio Module Features
  • Operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM band
  • PC-based configurable human interface
  • Integral antenna and range extender
  • Exceptional range: >150 m line-of-sight / typically 30 m indoor
  • Co-existence with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems
  • Package size: 11 mm x 19 mm x 2.5 mm
CD-quality wireless audio
  • CD-quality wireless audio
  • Low latency
  • Minimal RF engineering experience necessary
  • No additional intentional radiator certification required
  • 100% RF tested in production
  • Easily implemented on a two-layer PCB


Wireless CommunicationRF & WirelessAnaren

