By Molex Inc 203
Molex’s Mirror Mezz 202828 series connectors offer maximum design flexibility by allowing the user to pair different connector height versions to achieve the desired stack height for an application. The Mirror Mezz 202828 series mate with 2.50 mm and 5.50 mm height connectors can self- or cross-mate. Stitched contact structure reduces lead-times, and the connector design allows for a simplified product matrix. The intricately designed terminal structure provides numerous mechanical strengths while also benefiting from cutting-edge electrical features for some of the faster speeds in the industry.
The footprint-compatible hermaphroditic Mirror Mezz connector lowers application costs with stackable mating to support data speeds up to 56 Gbps per differential pair for telecommunications, networking, and other applications. High-speed, high-density server applications need fewer mating parts for reduced costs, higher operation efficiency, and improved design flexibility. Self-mating Mirror Mezz connectors eliminate the need for separate mating parts and associated costs.
Video: Mirror Mezz Connectors