ADA4084-1/2/4 Operational Amplifier

By Analog Devices Inc 253

ADA4084-1/2/4 Operational Amplifier

Analog Devices' ADA4084-1 (single), ADA4084-2 (dual), and ADA4084-4 (quad) are single-supply, 10 MHz bandwidth amplifiers featuring rail-to-rail inputs and outputs. They are guaranteed to operate from 3 V to 30 V (or ±1.5 V to ±15 V). These amplifiers are well suited for single-supply applications requiring both ac and precision dc performance. The combination of wide bandwidth, low noise, and precision makes the ADA4084-1, ADA4084-2, and ADA4084-4 useful in a wide variety of applications, including filters and instrumentation.

Other applications for these amplifiers include portable telecommunications equipment, power supply control, and protection, and use as amplifiers or buffers for transducers with wide output ranges. Sensors requiring a rail-to-rail input amplifier include Hall effect, piezoelectric, and resistive transducers. The ability to swing rail-to-rail at both the input and output enables designers to build multistage filters in single-supply systems and to maintain high signal-to-noise ratios.

  • Low power: 625 µA typical
  • Gain bandwidth product: 15.9 MHz at AV =100 typical
  • Unity-gain crossover: 9.9 MHz typical
  • -3 dB closed-loop bandwidth: 13.9 MHz typical at ±15 V
  • Low offset voltage: 100 μV maximum (SOIC)
  • Unity-gain stable
  • High slew rate: 4.6 V/μs typical
  • Low noise: 3.9 nV/√Hz typical at 1 kHz

