By Microchip Technology 446
Based on the powerful ARM® Cortex™-M4 processor, the Microchip SAM4S series extends the Microchip Cortex-M portfolio. Devices are pin-to-pin and software compatible with current SAM3 Cortex-M3 processor-based microcontrollers (MCUs), offering a smooth upwards migration path for performance and memory size.
SAM4S microcontrollers operate at 120 MHz and integrate Microchip's Flash read accelerator and optional cache memory to increase system performance. The SAM4S features a multi-layer bus matrix, multi-channel direct memory access (DMA), and distributed memory to support high data-rate communication.
The SAM4S series achieves 200 µA/MHz in dynamic mode at a low operating frequency; 30 mA at 120 MHz; and 1 µA at 1.8 V in back-up mode with the real-time clock (RTC) running. Offering some of the best power consumption/performance rates on the market for standby mode, the SAM4S reaches 120 MHz+ operating frequency with a RAM retention mode below 25 µA.
These SAM4S has integrated best-in-class hardware code protection which prevents access to on-chip memory to protect your intellectual property (IP). SAM4S supports secure device reconditioning (chip erase) for reprogramming, and a unique 128-bit ID and scrambled external bus interface ensure software confidentiality, while the hardware cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checks memory integrity.
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