D2QW Subminiature Sealed Switch

By Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div 435

D2QW Subminiature Sealed Switch

The latest fully sealed switch from Omron is the D2QW series that conforms to IP67 standards while using a high reliability slide contact mechanism for extended lifetimes. The sealed long stroke with Omron's unique slide mechanism makes this the ideal switch for use in harsh environmental conditions. The D2QW high temperature switch is intended for aggressive automotive, machinery and industrial applications or anywhere miniaturization is needed with rugged sealability. Applications include automotive devices such as door latches and automatic shifters and home appliance devices used in wet applications.


  • Sliding contacts are able to wipe clean contact contamination
  • High temperature resistance and drip-proof structure for wide range of applications environmental resistance required
  • Clip contacts with highly reliable slide contact mechanism
  • Compact and rugged design is sealed to IP67 standards
  • Offers almost silent operation
  • Offered in either plunger or lever style
  • Extra-long stroke even without levers
  • Long stroke slide contact for reliable ON/OFF action

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